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Tim Tszyu vs Bakhram Murtazaliev press conference, Australian star labels rival ‘stupid’, video, what was said, IBF world title fight #adessonews

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Tim Tszyu has branded Russia’s undefeated Bakhram Murtazaliev “stupid” and also warned his old school attitude will come back to bite him this Sunday.

Speaking after Thursday’s press conference here in the US on Thursday. Tszyu took aim at the champ for what he says have been “dumb” fight week decisions.

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The Australian said he had seen Murtazaliev not only running in a hoodie during fight week but also earring chips at the team hotel.

BOXING: TSZYU V MURTAZALIEV | Tim Tszyu faces off against undefeated IBF super welterweight champ Bakhram Murtazaliev | SUN 20 OCT 10:30AM AEDT | Order Now with Main Event on Kayo Sports.

Tszyu boys reunite in touching scenes | 07:40

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Asked about his rival running in a hoodie days out from a championship fight Tszyu said: “It’s stupid.

“He was also eating chips the other night.

“It doesn’t make sense.”

Think he is struggling to make weight?

“No I do t think he’s struggling, I think he’s stupid,” Tszyu continued.

“Dumb. That’s all I see.

“He’s old school.

“He’s, how do I say this …. not as professional as he should be and some of these things are going to play a big part coming into a fight like this.”

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Kostya arrives for Tim Tszyu “revenge” | 03:51

During the press conference, Tszyu revealed that he has had his sights set on the Russian for some time but alleged that his team were met with resistance from Murtazliev’s camp.

“I’ve always wanted the biggest and toughest challenges out there so for me it was a no-brainer,” he said.

“I was actually hunting him down for some time. I remember calling the boys as soon as the me and (Jermell) Charlo fight got not made and saying ‘let’s go for Bakhram’. Apparently they didn’t want it. I’ve been chasing the big fights, the big names, the toughest, scariest monsters out there. Fortunately, they don’t frighten me.”

Murtazliev responded by saying that he had never heard of any offer from Tszyu to fight earlier, but the Australian had a scathing come back.

“Step aside money and easier opponents to keep that mandatory spot is much easier than facing the big, bad monster,” he said.

Tszyu accuses Murtazliev of ducking him | 02:18

Tszyu also insisted that he has “nothing personal” against Murtazliev but he is war of words with the Russian comes as he seeks to capture the light middleweight crown and more.

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“For me this is not just an ordinary fight, this is a vengeance fight. It’s not just a world title, it’s the come back,” he said.

“I believe I am the man at 154 (pounds). I just need the time to prove it. I keep taking these one-on-one fights and one-by-one I’m looking to get rid of each and every one of them.”

Tszyu was also surprised by his father, Kostya Tszyu, at the press conference and Tszyu’s manager Glen Jennings was full of praise for the presence of the former world champion and the impact bringing the family together for this fight will have.

“We’re all super excited to have the royalty of boxing sitting here in the room with us, right there in the corner. He’s just walked in the door, so welcome Kostya, it’s great to have you here mate,” Jennings said.

‘Tszyu will live on as the greatest’ | 01:07

“For the boys, Nikita and Tim, it’s just another step in their evolution and it’s such an exciting thing to have dad ring side for Tim’s 27th fight. We haven’t seen Kostya ring side since his first fight, so it’s been a long time in the making and a long time coming. We couldn’t be happier.”

Tszyu then butted in with an ambitious declaration to cap off the family discussion.

“Mark my words, the last name Tszyu will live on as the greatest boxing family to ever live when me and my brother are done with this,” he said.

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